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Effiat, Mbo, Akwa Ibom: 523114

Effiat is located in Akwa Ibom, Mbo. Its zip code is 523114 .

Region 3-Postcode

Which sub-regions are included in Effiat? Here's the list of sub-regions in Effiat.
Region 3 City Postcode (ZIP)
Effiat Akpa Nkanua 523114
Effiat Akwa Obio Effiat 523114
Effiat Asiok Obufa 523114
Effiat Esuk Anwang 523114
Effiat Ibuot Utan 523114
Effiat Ine Inua Abasi 523114
Effiat Inua Abasi 523114
Effiat James Town 523114
Effiat Mbe Ndoro 523114
Effiat Obio Iyata 523114
Effiat Obong Nim 523114
Effiat Usuk Effiat 523114
Effiat Utan Antai 523114
Effiat Utan Brama 523114
Effiat Utan Udombo 523114
Effiat Utang Efiong 523114
Envelope Example
Nigeria Envelope Example
For more explanation, please read the official document: nga.pdf . (English)

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