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Ukwong, Okobo, Akwa Ibom: 521104

Ukwong is located in Akwa Ibom, Okobo. Its zip code is 521104 .

Region 3-Postcode

Which sub-regions are included in Ukwong? Here's the list of sub-regions in Ukwong.
Region 3 City Postcode (ZIP)
Ukwong Itak Uyati 521104
Ukwong Mbukpo Oduobo 521104
Ukwong Ndoung 521104
Ukwong Osu Offi 521104
Ukwong Oti Oron 521104
Ukwong Otieke 521104
Ukwong Ubak 521104
Ukwong Utine Eyekung 521104
Ukwong Utine Ndoung 521104
Ukwong Ibetong-Eweme 523110
Ukwong Ikpe 523110
Ukwong Mbokpu-Eyo-Ima 523110
Ukwong Mbokpu-Eyokan 523110
Ukwong Mbukup-Uko-Akai 523110
Envelope Example
Nigeria Envelope Example
For more explanation, please read the official document: nga.pdf . (English)

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