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Warji, Warji, Bauchi: 742103

Warji is located in Bauchi, Warji. Its zip code is 742103 .

Region 3-Postcode

Which sub-regions are included in Warji? Here's the list of sub-regions in Warji.
Region 3 City Postcode (ZIP)
Warji Aru 742103
Warji Badiyaso 742103
Warji Baima 742103
Warji Dagu 742103
Warji Dansai 742103
Warji Dawatsi 742103
Warji Disa 742103
Warji Gabanga 742103
Warji Ganji 742103
Warji Ingila 742103
Warji K-katanga 742103
Warji Katanga 742103
Warji Lirna`a 742103
Warji Marasuwa 742103
Warji Muda 742103
Warji Rumba 742103
Warji Shitako 742103
Warji Sosaye 742103
Warji Tudun Wada 742103
Warji Tuya 742103
Envelope Example
Nigeria Envelope Example
For more explanation, please read the official document: nga.pdf . (English)

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